Summer of Success for Saltash Sixth Form Students

A-Level students at Saltash Community School have proven their tenacious attitudes with impressive results this Summer. After a challenging three years, students have performed well across the board, with nearly 40% of students achieving A* or A grades or equivalents (Distinction Stars and Distinctions). We have also seen 100% of students who applied to University be accepted.
We are especially proud of our top performer, Rachel Frost, who achieved 4 A*s and is now off to study Physics at Durham University. Having achieved a full scholarship, she spent her Summer holiday studying the German language at the prestigious Dresden Trust. Ellie Kevern achieved outstanding results, earning top grades (A*, A, B), and is also the proud recipient of a scholarship to study at the university of Aberystwyth.
We are delighted with our outstanding Technical results which saw nearly 70% of Sports grades achieving a Distinction Star (the very highest grade available).
The school’s wide curriculum offer has also enabled students to pursue an exciting range of subjects such as Law; others to gain apprenticeships with Babcock; and sees some students off to join the Services.
Kate Littledyke, Headteacher, said "We are incredibly proud of our Sixth Form students. Despite obvious challenges throughout their studies, they have worked hard with many of them achieving grades better than their targets and beyond their wildest dreams! We wish them all the very best as they begin their next chapter".