The Pride of Liskeard – Sixth Formers Making Us Proud (Again)!

We would like to congratulate all our sixth form students on their amazing successes this summer and for making it through an incredibly tough two years. Having not been able to sit GCSEs in 2020 this summer’s exams were the first external assessments they have taken. It’s a tremendous achievement, and we are very proud of each and every one of them.
Nicky Hubartt, Head of Liskeard’s Sixth Form College, said, “It has been a challenging year for our Y13s, sitting formal exams for the very first time, having missed out in Year 11 due to Covid. However, they have really impressed me with their courage and resilience. They have pushed themselves and worked extremely hard to achieve their results. I am delighted with how well they have done and I wish them every success for the future. A huge thank you goes to the sixth form team and all the teachers who have supported and encouraged the students throughout these last two years. It has been a fantastic team effort from everyone.”
Many of our sixth form students are moving on to higher education with the vast majority gaining a place at their first choice university. Others are starting apprenticeships, having a gap year or have secured employment. We wish them well on their chosen paths and hope they all keep in touch to let us know how they are getting on.
Alex Lingard, Headteacher, said, “I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the students for their resilience and hard work during what has been a very difficult time for them over the last few years. Everyone at Team Liskeard is proud of them all.
I wish them the best for their next stage in life, whether it be at university, starting an apprenticeship or in employment. I would like to thank our fabulous staff for all their great teaching and our fabulous parents and carers for their support.”
A special mention to the following for outstanding results:
Jake Stallard A*AAA – Exeter University – Ancient History
Oliver Dennison AAA – Plymouth University – History
Will Birch A*ABB – Cardiff University – History
Molly Burchell AABC – Exeter University – Biological Sciences
Annika German ABBB – Sussex University – Biochemistry
Polina McGlone AABC – Exeter University – Neuroscience
Guy Schooling A*BC – Joining the Armed Services
George Rowe ABB – Joining the Marines
Chloe Hawke ABC – Taking a gap year